
What is the date of Constitution Day - When is Constitution Day celebrated?

What is the date of Constitution Day and When is Constitution Day celebrated? - What is the date of Constitution Day? Learn about it in today's article. Constitution is very important thing for the citizens of our country. But it is our failure not to know about the date of Constitution Day. So in today's article we will know the date of Constitution Day and also let you know.

What is the date of Constitution Day

If you stay with us at the end then you will know the details about the date of Constitution Day. So without further ado let's know the date of Constitution Day and when Constitution Day is celebrated.

What is the date of Constitution Day - When is Constitution Day celebrated: Introduction

Constitution Day is a public holiday to honor the constitution of a country. Similarly, Bangladesh also has a specific constitution. And every year it is declared as a public holiday all over Bangladesh to respect the constitution. Today's post will discuss the date of Constitution Day for you. Know about the date of Constitution Day.

What is called Constitution Day?

What is the constitution? Constitution Day What you need to know about constitution first. A constitution is the basic book of a system of governance which lays down the basic rules and principles for determining the duties of an autonomous political entity. In the context of a country, the term refers to that country's national constitution, which replaces the political fundamental rules and structure of government.

What is Constitution Day: Constitution Day is an official holiday across the country to honor the constitution of a country. Constitution is the supreme law of a free and sovereign state. It is mandatory for every citizen of Bangladesh or any country to follow this constitution. Hopefully, what is called Constitution Day? Has the constitution understood this?

Constitution Day is celebrated

This year will mark the 51st year of Constitution Day. But compared to other years, Constitution Day will be observed nationally this year. People of Bangladesh celebrate Constitution Day on November 4 every year. But this year, Constitution Day will be observed nationally for the first time. A committee of 34 members was formed on April 11, 1972 with Dr. Kamal Hossain as president for the purpose of framing the constitution.

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman while speaking on the constitution of the Constituent Assembly said that the constitution is written in the blood of the martyrs, the constitution will live as a conduit for the hopes and aspirations of the entire people. Usually the original constitution is written in English but later translated into Bengali. People of Bangladesh celebrate Constitution Day on November 4 every year.

Because the constitution is the supreme legal system of a country. And all citizens of a country must abide by the constitution. We must fulfill the rights that the Constitution has given to the people and we must refrain from those acts which the Constitution calls treason. Therefore, Constitution Day is celebrated on November 4 every year to honor the Constitution of Bangladesh.

What is the date of Constitution Day - When is Constitution Day celebrated?

What is the date of Constitution Day? This question is heard a lot. After the independence of Bangladesh, there have been many important days which are commemorated by a house day named after them. Although it is not possible for everyone to remember all the days, many people know about these days. As a citizen of Bangladesh you must know this.

Constitution Day of Bangladesh is celebrated on November 4 every year. The constitution of Bangladesh was drafted on 4 November 1972 and the constitution of Bangladesh came into force on 16 December. 50 years of the constitution of Bangladesh will be completed. In these 50 years, the constitution of Bangladesh has been changed 17 times.

What is the date of Constitution Day Bangladesh - Constitution Day Bangladesh

Constitution is the supreme legal system of a country. Every country in the world has a specific constitution that every citizen has to abide by. The day on which the Constitution of Bangladesh is promulgated is celebrated as Constitution Day. We all need to know about the date of Constitution Day in Bangladesh.

The first session of the Constituent Assembly was held on 10 April 1972. In this session, a constitution acceptance committee with 34 members was formed. The then Law and Parliamentary Minister Dr. Kamal Hossain was the president of this committee. This committee presented the draft constitution of the Constituent Assembly on 12 October 1972.

which was accepted by the Constituent Assembly on November 4, 1972. To commemorate this day, 4th November is celebrated as Constitution Day in Bangladesh every year. Although the constitution was framed on 4th November 1972 but the constitution came into force from 16th December. I hope you have learned about the constitution of Bangladesh in detail.

What is the date of Constitution Day - When is Constitution Day celebrated: Conclusion

What is the date of Constitution Day, when is Constitution Day celebrated? What is called Constitution Day? Today's article discusses these issues. Dear friends, hopefully you have learned more about these topics from our article. We are really glad to share things with you. Wishing you and your family good health, I end here today. Thank you.

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